Saturday, June 2, 2012

INTRODUCTION. GRAV was always intended to be, and with luck will someday be, a graphic novel. The tale of James Mortimer has always seemed to me as though it would work best with the added visual element, particularly considering its goal to thoroughly deconstruct the superhero genre. Furthermore, it's friggin' hard to write effective action sequences using nothing but words, at least for me. I decided, however, that I wanted the story to be told, and so I decided to release it in a manner which can be accomplished without the massive amounts of work and assistance necessary to write an entire graphic novel. So as you read the story, keep in mind that this is technically not the final draft. Some plot elements, characters, and structural details such as order of events may very well be changed over time. If I do in fact change the actual text as I retcon events, I will make sure to identify such changes so as to give you all a feel for the dynamic nature of the story at this early point in its creation. I greatly appreciate any feedback due to the dynamic nature of the story at this point in time, so feel free to make suggestions about the writing or plot. And so I present to you GRAV.

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